Our suite of remote services provides instant assistance, our team of experts can provide instant technical support to solve any technical problems, offer specialized advice and conduct FAT tests efficiently and accurately. Through our dedicated app, you have instant access to a wide range of manual documentation and can easily order spare parts.


Welcome to our Help Desk, the dedicated contact point for all your technical assistance and support needs.
Our team of experts is ready to help you by providing telephone or video call assistance.
We are here to answer your questions, solve any technical problems and offer specialized advice to ensure the proper functioning of your systems.

Don’t hesitate to contact us: we are here for you, ready to provide a quick, reliable and personalized assistance service.

Imball app available for pc and android


Our digital platform dedicated to providing you with an unprecedented machine management experience.

With the Imball APP, you have immediate access to the 3D machines purchased from us, complete with all related documents, manuals and 2D diagrams. This feature allows you to view your machines in detail and quickly access all the information you need for maintenance and management.

But that’s not all: through the Imball APP, you can also order spare parts for your machines quickly and intuitively. Thanks to the function of selecting spare parts directly from the 3D model and adding them to the cart, the ordering process becomes extremely efficient, minimizing time and errors.

In addition, by ordering via the app or web portal, you have faster access to our dedicated spare parts service team. Our team is always ready to help you with timely answers and quick solutions, ensuring that your maintenance and parts replacement needs are met in the shortest possible time.

With the Imball APP, we offer you a convenient, fast and intuitive way to manage your machines and make sure they always stay in perfect working condition. Easy to use and feature-rich, essential to optimize the management of your equipment and save valuable time in your daily routine.


Our team of software specialists is at your disposal to offer immediate and targeted assistance to your technical problems, thanks to the remote connection directly to your machines. They are ready to intervene quickly to solve any electronic or software problems, limiting the time and cost of interventions.

With a simple remote connection, we can carry out a preliminary analysis of the situation and diagnose the problem without having to physically intervene on the machine. This allows us to quickly identify the cause of the problem and propose effective solutions to restore the proper functioning of your equipment.

Thanks to our experience and expertise in the field, we can solve a wide range of technical problems, you can rely on us to ensure maximum reliability and efficiency of your production systems.

Don't hesitate to contact us to take advantage of our remote assistance service. We are here to meet your needs and ensure optimal management of your technical problems, wherever you are in the world.

Remote FAT (Factory Acceptance Test)

At Imball, we are proud to offer to our customers the possibility to perform the FAT (Factory Acceptance Test) even remotely. Thanks to our innovative technology and to the expertise of our specialized technicians, we offer you the same experience of quality and reliability, wherever you are in the world.

Remote FAT represents an unprecedented opportunity for our customers. Using a series of strategically positioned webcams, we offer you a 360-degree view of the machine during the test, allowing you to examine every part and section in detail. This technology allows you to be present virtually on site, even if you are on the other side of the world or have time restrictions.

The advantages of remote FAT are many. In addition to the convenience of being able to take the test without travelling, we offer you the flexibility to plan the test according to your time and schedule needs. In addition, we guarantee the same quality and reliability as traditional FAT, with the supervision and continuous assistance of our technicians.

With remote FAT, we are committed to provide you with an efficient, reliable and tailored service for your needs. We are here to ensure that your experience with our products always lives up to your expectations, wherever you are in the world. Contact us today to plan your remote FAT and experience the quality and reliability of our products and services.